Oregon Piper - Portland bagpiper, bagpipes, bagpipers, bagpipe, and pipers for hire in Portland, OR

"Professional piping for the people"

A bagpiper for any occasion: enliven your wedding, wake, or special event with the energy of the great highland bagpipe.

Oregon Piper + David Douglas Football = Awesome

It's football season, and I'm piping at every David Douglas home game this season!

This is fitting as they are the David Douglas "Scots", and ironic because my (sort of) alma mater was Monmouth College, and their mascot? The Scots. 

There we were in all of glory circa 2002. I'm off to the right...just out of shot, of course...

In short, I and several other pipers and drummers were essentially the mascots of the school, and piped at every football game, volleyball game, swim meet, and sometimes even...frat parties! It was an incredibly small, mid-western private college in an even smaller town surrounded by corn in rural Illinois, and they loved their division 3 sports. If you think people go nuts about OSU and UO over here (which are division 1, and UO was my second school), I can tell you from experience that the excitement over our little D3 team at Monmouth was absolutely on par. 

Come see me and the team at any of the following home games (all of which start at 7pm):

  1. This Friday, September 16th
  2. Next Friday, September 23rd
  3. October 7th
  4. October 21st

Tickets are extremely nominally priced. Hope to see you there!

Oregon Piper to star in "Frozen" on Broadway

In recent news that shockered internet readers regionally, Oregon Piper (aka Markus Aurelius) will be starring in the highly acclaimed, live-action Broadway adaptation of "Frozen". The 42 day run will freeze up his schedule from Feb 15th to March 27th and sadly cause him to miss St. Patrick's Day in Portland.

If you're looking for a piper during this time please contact Markus's union understudy Will Beatti at 541.740.0568.

While it was hard to let America's greatest holiday go, Markus assured us that this is the last time he's leaving town for quite an indefinitely, and will be available for indefinitely going forward.

For those of you numb enough to read on, here is a list of all the places he will be stopping for gas in the next 42 days:

  • Naperville, IL
  • Eau Claire, WI
  • Cedar Falls, IA
  • La Crosse, WI
  • Iowa City, IA
  • Long Branch, NJ
  • Salisbury, MD
  • Great Barrington, MA
  • Manchester, NH
  • Storrs, CT
  • Frederick, MD
  • Gettysburg, PA
  • Rochester, NY